There I was again, showing up to my weekly tutorial with several paintings I wasn't fully happy with but didn't really understand why; an average Monday. But this time, I left feeling particularly motivated and inspired. My tutor had told me to 'let the paint lead me', which i found difficult to understand how to do at first but suddenly had an idea to wet my painting surface before adding paint, which would allow the paint to move without my manipulation.
So the next day, I got out my new A2 sketchbook and began spraying the paper with water with my handy spray bottle. I then looked at either one of my landscape photographs or paintings for a few seconds before putting it away and making a few marks on the paper with those images in my mind. Before I knew it, I had 9 pieces of very wet, abstract landscapes that I thought would make good bases for some landscape paintings. What I produced is shown below, I hope to add more colour on detail on them very soon, and watch them develop into a series of landscape paintings.