I have started a new painiting based upon my observations of Nant-y-Moch in April. The colours of the land are warmer, with brown tones in the grass and hint of green. I planned a composition that gives more focus to the sky as I have been wanting to paint expressive skies recently and I feel it would be a nice contrast to the snowy landscape painting with only a small amount of sky. So far i have painted the first layer with watery burnt umber and ultramarine blue to map out the composition. I also used my catalyst wedge to draw the angles of the mountains as I quite like the textures it creates and the way it sometimes leaves a hard edge. I am going to try and avoid painting over the more successful parts of the base layer as I want to vary the thickness of the paint. I think I am going to bring in some pink and orange tones interact with the earthy green and brown colours. I also need to remember to keep a luminosity throughout the painting, thinking about the light from the sky would fall onto the land. I have a good feeling about this painting and will post an update on its progress later this week.
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