I have decided to take advantage of the luxury of being able to do a part-time MA and have a studio space by experimenting more with painting. Throughout my time at Aberystwyth University, I have tried out several different mediums and attended lots of life drawing classes, keeping me on my toes. However, in the painting module, I have stuck mainly to landscapes with a side of abstraction due to the short term times causing me to feel pressurised to stick to one thing and improve my skills in that area. Now I have plenty of time paint anything and everything before eventually choosing something to stick to as time draws closer to the first exhibition in May 2021. So I have started a couple of paintings of buildings that caught my eye in this town. After taking many photos of scenes which interest me, I realised I am drawn to the way light falls onto buildings, in particular, the light during the golden hour. The two paintings I have started are both based upon the same photograph but one is 31 x 31 cm on board and the other is 60 x 60 cm on canvas. Painting two versions of one scene at the same time is good for avoiding time-wasting and will more likely yield a painting with potential.
So far both paintings have had about 3 layers and I am reviewing them before I add more paint.
Here are the two paintings as they are now (unfinished).