No-one could have predicted this pandemic and the causes it has had on the world. It has caused devastation in every country, and it is hard to not become overwhelmed by everything we are currently seeing in the news and on social media. I thought I would take a minute to reflect on some of the good things happening at the moment, and the tings I am thankful for.
I am thankful for the technology many of us possess or have access to. We are able to stay connected which is the only thing keeping us sane in a time of mass isolation. It is amazing to be able to talk freely with my cousin in Rome and my other cousin New York, and even see their faces in video calls.
I am of course thankful for the NHS and their undying determination to help others. I can't imagine where we would be as a country with out them.
And I am thankful for the people who understand they have a responsibility to take precautions and stay at home.
I was finding it difficult to stay motivated and keep painting through this time, so I started by painting how I see Coronavirus.
Whilst painting this, I wasn't on anything like tone, colour theory or composition as I normally would. Instead, I focused in on my feelings and included a couple of visuals that I see everyday on the news, the circular shape of the structure of the virus, and the turquoise colour of the NHS uniform.
This painting will not be part of my portfolio for the painting module I am undertaking, I just wanted to post it somewhere, so that I can come back and reflect upon it at a later date.